In Memoriam July 21, 2021 Christina Isobel Besides physical deaths of dear ones, there can be other deaths that are important to support and honor. Poetry/Prose RSS
CLOTHES ARE UNDERRATED: Or, This Dress Is Not Waterproof June 19, 2021 Christina Isobel A poem/blessing for my eldest daughter when she got married. It honors the life stream that holds it. Poetry/Prose RSS
Happy Mother's Day May 9, 2021 Christina Isobel Happy Mother’s Day to all of you who have mothered in any way. My wish is that in the burgeoning #MeToo Movement that “mothering” gets as much respect as all the other issues we are fighting for. A Woman’s Joy. From our book Everday Mermaid. Poetry/Prose RSS
Becoming Spring April 17, 2021 Christina Isobel This poem is a gift for me for my Birthday. May it be a gift for you. 💗 Christina Poetry/Prose RSS
December Song December 21, 2020 Christina Isobel A poem/song of December. Sending love in this celebratory season of coming light. Wear a Mask, Be Patient, Be Safe, Be Loved. Poetry/Prose RSS
Hope for Emily Dickinson December 10, 2020 Christina Isobel Happy Birthday, Emily Dickinson! Here is a poem of mine about Hope inspired by an Emily Dickinson poem. From my book of poetry, Everyday Mermaid. Poetry/Prose RSS
I KNOW NOW THAT... March 26, 2020 Christina Isobel A poem about my relationship to fear. Poetry/Prose RSS