May You Hear the flower sing. They Wait for us …
Edited by Christina Isobel
A new book by my publishing company,
a thousand flowers books
This poetry odyssey of flowers can give you another path into the primal mystical, miraculous land of flowers. Flowers are given in every aspect of our lives: births, graduations, courtships, weddings, friendships, illnesses, anniversaries, deaths. May time on this poetry path deepen your pleasure, your solace. May it open you more to the munificence of flowers.
“Offering nourishment during troubling times, WHEN FLOWERS SING is a layered poetry anthology about flowers, skillfully edited by Christina Isobel. ”
A collaborative Poetry Art Book
Poetry by Christina Isobel
Artwork by Deidre Scherer
A poetic, artistic deep dive into the ordinary. Colors, waves, ripples of sound in words and meaning. Experiences day-to-day visceral contact with nature and the body. Celebrates the feminine and kinship with all life.
PRESS PLAY above to listen to Christina read RECOGNITIONS and click on the image above to see the poem close up.
“I love this book. The poetry and the artwork are pure nourishment for the eye and the ear, the soul and the body. I think of these poems as spiritual in the best sense of the word”